Author: Brian Gibson

Brian Gibson, Homezillow founder and editor, leverages 15 years of contracting experience to offer accessible DIY advice. He empowers homeowners with creative solutions and cost-saving tips, fostering a motivational community for home enhancement. Beyond sharing trends, Brian experiments with DIY prototypes to inspire Homezillow readers.

Furniture plays a pivotal role in shaping the style, aesthetics and functionality of a home. While basic furniture is essential, statement pieces are what truly make a space unique. Statement furniture commands attention and elevates the entire look and feel of a room. From sofas and beds to outdoor seating and accent chairs, these statement-making pieces deserve special consideration when designing each area of the home. In this article, we will explore five must-have statement furniture categories and provide examples of versatile, high-quality options to inspire readers to level up their home decor. A Welcoming Living Room Needs Statement Sofas…

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The idea of a fully automated, technology-driven home where devices and appliances can be controlled with the touch of a button or a simple voice command used to seem like a far-off concept only seen in science fiction films. However, rapid advancements in technology over the past decade have quickly turned smart homes from a futuristic fantasy into a real-world reality. The integration of innovative technology into living spaces has redefined the meaning of a modern, comfortable, and technologically advanced home. As smart home technology continues to evolve and be more readily accessible, tech-infused living is becoming the new normal.…

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Have you ever wished to wake up to warm rooms heated to the perfect temperature before stepping out of bed? How about coming home to lights that turn on automatically or controlling entertainment systems without a remote? Who wouldn’t want increased security with doorbells or cameras that notify you of visitors while you’re away? As our society gets smarter, so can our homes – with the increasing popularity of smart home devices. Installing these innovative gadgets may seem intimidating, but equipping your home with smart technology is more accessible than ever before. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything…

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Have you opened your oven door and cringed at the sight of caked-on grime and grease splatters? As much as you love baking casseroles and roasting meats, the aftermath can leave your oven looking like a war zone. While it’s tempting to reach for harsh chemical cleaners to tackle the mess, exposure to the toxic fumes they release can be harmful. Fortunately, you can get your oven clean naturally without exposing yourself or your family to risky chemicals. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best methods for how to clean oven naturally using common household ingredients. With a little scrubbing elbow grease,…

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When the skies grow dark and storm clouds roll in, every homeowner’s thoughts turn to their roof—will it hold or will my house face a deluge from above? Protecting your most valuable asset calls for proactive preparation against the ravages of Mother Nature. By scheduling regular inspections, reinforcing your roof’s underlying structure, securing loose elements, clearing drainage routes, removing overhanging dangers, and planning ahead, homeowners can undertake the necessary maintenance and repairs to help their roof withstand whatever severe weather comes its way. Introduction Your roof serves as the first line of defense when inclement weather strikes. As the exterior…

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A house filled with natural light and fresh air feels warm, bright, and inviting. Strategic window placement and smart ventilation techniques create that open, airy atmosphere we all crave in a home. Beyond aesthetics, ample daylight and proper airflow offer proven cognitive, emotional, and physical health benefits. This article explores how to maximize natural light and ventilation through energy-efficient windows, biophilic design, and thoughtful layouts. Read on to learn easy ways to build a welcoming, sustainable home brimming with nature’s restorative energy. Introduction Natural light and ventilation infuse homes with comfort and tranquility. Sunlight streaming through windows and fresh breezes…

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Tired of looking at the same old spaces in your home? Small home remodeling projects can make a big impact without requiring months of construction or blowing your budget. Read on to discover 15 quick ways to update your property. We’ve all seen the dramatic before-and-after reveals on home renovation shows and dreamed of magically transforming our own living spaces. But not everyone has the time, budget or desire to take on major remodeling projects involving structural changes or high-end finishes. The good news is that there are many quick, affordable ways to give your home a fresh new look…

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Home improvements can feel like a gamble for rental property owners. Will the money invested in upgrades like granite countertops and designer bathrooms ever pay off? The answer depends greatly on the renovations made and how they elevate your property above nearby competition. Strategic renovations, like modernizing kitchens and installing smart home technology, capture tenant interest and justify increased rent. Meanwhile, aesthetic touches provide long-lasting appeal. Thoughtful improvements not only attract exceptional tenants willing to pay more but also build equity and maximize your rental income. This guide explores renovation opportunities for enriching tenant experiences, drawing higher rents, and unlocking…

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We’ve all been there – happily using the toilet when suddenly it starts to fill up with water at an alarming pace. You flush once to try and clear the clog, but instead of the waste disappearing down the drain, the water now threatens to overflow onto the floor. Panic starts to set in as you realize your trusty plunger is nowhere in sight. Now what? Unclogging a toilet without the aid of a plunger may seem impossible, but there are several methods you can try to remove blockages before resorting to calling the plumber. This comprehensive guide will provide…

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Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects around the house are extremely rewarding. Not only do they allow you to customize and improve your living space, but they also save money by avoiding the high costs of professional services. However, taking on DIY tasks requires having the right tools for the job. Power tools are essential for completing many DIY projects efficiently, safely, and with high quality. This article will provide an overview of what power tools are, highlight the most essential options for DIYers, outline important safety guidelines, and give recommendations for purchasing and maintaining power tools. By the end, you’ll know exactly…

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